# Mou-Chun Wang

# Senior Software Engineer

# Summary

# Over 10 year Web Develop Experience

  • Backend System and api
  • System Architecture
  • Infrastructure and task automation
  • Cross-team collaborator

# Tech Stack

  • GCP : GCE, GKE
  • AWS : EC2, Lambda
  • IaC : Docker, K8s
  • Database: Postgres
  • Programming: Go, NodeJS, TypeScript, ExpressJS, NestJS, PHP
  • Testing: Jest Unit Testing
  • DevOps: CircleCI, GitlabCI, ArgoCD, Github Actions

# Work Experience

# Senior Software Engineer @ Eslite - Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2023/08 - Now

# Go / GCP / GKE / Github Actions

# Project Owner and Cross team coordinator

  1. Developed migration plan for a core service, ensuring smooth transition and minimal disruption.
  2. Designed system architecture for the new service, ensuring scalability and efficiency.
  3. Designed and executed experiments to validate technical requirements for the new feature, ensuring its seamless integration.
  4. Collaborated closely with cross-functional team members to maintain project timelines and ensure successful delivery.

# Senior Software Engineer @ WeMoScooter - Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2020/01 - 2023/08

# NodeJS / TypeScript / GCP / GKE / PostgresSQL / Redis / GitlabCI / ArgoCD

# Spearheaded Infrastructure Upgrade

  1. Dockerized core system and migrated to Kubernetes environment (GKE)
  2. Optimized existing features with Queue architecture to improve connection and performance

# Develop System Features

  1. Developed backend API with full API tests and integrated CI pipeline for quality and robustness
  2. Utilized Kubernetes for scalable solutions

# Improved System Stability

  1. Refactored JS code to TypeScript with full test coverage
  2. Improved test coverage through writing additional tests
  3. Optimized CI pipeline to minimize processing time

# Provided Technical and Architectural Guidance

  1. Designed and developed systems and features based on PM requirements
  2. Built an in-house reporting and monitoring system for instant PM feedback.

# Senior Backend Developer @ Zuvio - Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2019/04 - 2019/09

# NodeJS / TypeScript / GCP / MySQL / CircleCI / WebSocket / PhpUnit

# BE Develop and infra improvement

  • Introduce CircleCI infra to automate deliver pipeline
  • Integrate Unit test in CI to improve Code Quality
  • Design system based on WebSocket to monitor user behavior
  • Automate monitor system to ban user with misbehavior

# Web Developer @ 104 - Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2016/07 - 2019/02


# Feature development

# Maintain major website and develop new features
  • JobSearch Website (PC)
  • JobSearch Website (Mobile)
  • Core Api
  • Campaign websites
# Develop campaign website with 100% cloud-based (AWS) infrastructure
# Maintain and upgrade system
  • Https upgrade
  • Security updates

# Web Developer @ uitox - Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2014/02 - 2016/04

# PHP / IDC / Backend Development

# Feature development

  • Maintain and enhance site-wise system core API: SaleQty API.
  • Maintain and enhance core pages : Item page.
  • Develop and extend in-house tools for PM and Developers

# Education

# University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

# MS in Information Science, 2009~2010

# Awards

# jobHunter - 2019 AWS HackNRoll 3rd place

  • AWS Infra
  • Dockerized w/Chatbot integration

# M1GA - 2016 104 Hackathon Honorable mention

  • MobileWeb design
  • Dockerized